Sunday, December 16, 2007

The importance of Bible prophecy

The importance of Bible prophecy

Importance of Bible prophecy
It's been a while since I've been here and just need to get up to date on a few things.
1. God is an on-time God, never early, never late. There are so many proofs of this in my life alone that i could never list them all here.Most recent is that i bought a use 98 Ford van last year and then about 3 months ago, it started stuttering and stalling, especially when I run the air-conditioner. Van was due for service about that time, but first I asked the guy if they could repair problems with the idle and since it has fuel-injectors, he said that I would have to find someone else to work on that.In retrospect, I should have let him go ahead and do the service, but I was stressed out thinking I was going to have to pay a big repair bill, so I just let it go until yesterday, when I finally took it in for service.As it turns out the stuttering and stalling was being caused by a loose hose, which just had to be reattached.If I had just had it serviced, when service was due, God would have removed 3 months of worry from me.

There are 3 main views of the Bible (especially concerning the Book of Revelation).

A. Amillenial: holds that satan was bound at Christ's first coming, that the present age is the millenium and that at Christ's second coming we will enter the eternal state.
B. Postmillenial: holds almost exactly the same view as the Amillenialists.
C. Premillenial: holds that satan was not bound at Christ's first coming, the present age=the church age, at the end of the present age a literal 7-year tribulation period will begin at the end of which Christ will return to earth, satan will be bound and Christ will rule in perfect peace for a literal 1,000 years. At the end of the 1,000 years, we will enter the eternal state.

Amillenial: When will Christ reign; between the first and second coming (present age). This cannot be true, since it is apparent that there is no peace in the world and satan is on the loose. How and where will Christ reign; Christ rules over a spiritual kingdom in the hearts of believers on earth and over the souls of the redeemed in Heaven (spiritual reign).
Postmillenial: When will Christ reign; between the first and second coming, but arriving by degrees (present age). Again this cannot be true for the same reasons that the Amillenial view cannot be true. How and where will Christ reign; Christ rules in the hearts of believers as the church brings in the kingdom by the triumph of the gospel in this world (spiritual reign).
Premillenial: When will Christ reign; immediately after the second coming (future reign).How and where will Christ reign; Christ will rule personally for 1,000 years over a literal, physical, earthly kingdom with satan bound and the curse of the fall removed (earthly reign).As you can see only the Premillenial view coincides with the scriptures.The rapture: although this word does not appear anywhere in scripture, it has become a word associated with the removal of Christ's people before the tribulation. This pre-tribulation removal is supported by scripture:
1 Thessalonians 1:10, 5:9, Revelation 3:10.

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